Dr. Robert DeStefano has over 30 years of experience in chiropractic care, is the official chiropractor to the New York Giants football team, and developed a new treatment technique, Facilitated Active Stretch Technique (F.A.S.T).
Our Techniques
We use a variety of therapeutic techniques to restore movement and function, reduce nervous system disruption, relieve musculoskeletal pain, and educate patients on self-treatment, stretching, and strengthening exercises. All of these therapies promote proper healing and allow the body to perform optimally.
We are committed to helping our patients heal and live healthier, active lives through proper self-care. Read our testimonials for some firsthand accounts of the life-changing work we do.

A leading orthopedic surgeon and top sports chiropractor, Robert DeStefano, D.C., team up to offer a groundbreaking new approach to remaining injury-free and recovering from injury faster.